Board Meeting Minutes – September 26, 2019

Time:  1:00pm
Date:   Thursday, September 26, 2019
Place: Station 1

Call to Order

Roll Call – Dana Cotnoir, Nate Evans, Sean Mecham, Chief Joe Calnan and Office Manager Lisa Gottula present.  Ben Martello absent, Jon Mathews’ seat vacant.

Pledge of Allegiance

Public Comment for Items Not on the Agenda – none

Old Business

New Business

Vacancy Recruit/Fill – Discussion regarding hiring timeline.  An MOU will be signed as the hiring timeline is slightly higher than what is agreed upon in the contract.  Nate Evans moves to approve the request to recruit and fill permanent position vacancies.  Sean Mecham seconds.  All in favor.  [00:14:08]

            Homeland Security Program Grant/Extrication Tools Project – Federal grant has been awarded for extrication tools, will require covering an overage of approximately $5,000.  Nate Evans moves to increase the extrication tools project to a total of $40,000.  Sean Mecham seconds.  All in favor.  [00:18:30]  Nate Evans moves to accept the grant in the amount of $30,000.  Sean Mecham seconds.  All in favor.  [00:19:39]

Good of the Order – none


            Nate Evans moves to adjourn at 1:27 pm.  [00:23:07]